Almost every person growing up goes through it, College. In the past paying for college was doable. Today, people are still paying for their college debt in their 40’s. College tuition is rising every year, draining more and more money out of young people lives.
If you are not one of the lucky few that had their parents save money for college or just filthy rich, most likely you are the one paying for your college loans and such.
( Show college students walking about)
(Paul N.)
College tuition is rising because of many factors. One major reason is the grants and loans that the government hands out so easily. Another reason is general inflation and the amount of funding for colleges.
( Show more students doing their own thing)
(Andy M)
The price of college is depressing. It just doesn’t seem right to walk out into the world and immediately owe debt. It’s ridiculous.
(show stressed out students studying)
(Andy M)
What’s also ridiculous is that the tuition costs are rising during a recession to make things worse. These days college students can’t afford anything besides the essentials.
(show a common dorm)
(Mark N.)
Most jobs today require degrees, even mediocre jobs won’t consider you if you don’t have one. You can’t do anything about the costs, but you can lessen them by taking on multiple jobs in your free time, apply for grants, financial aid or scholarships as possible, you would be stupid not to. The next best thing is starting out in a community college then trasferring to another school. It saves you a lot of money if you aren't worried about missing out on the college dorm experience.
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